
The Reshape API is designed to send metadata from your experiment design to Reshape and retrieve analysis results from jobs run in Reshape. Ultimately, this enables seamless integration of Reshape into existing workflows and infrastructure.

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Up to date API documentation is available at


Reshape concepts


Plate & wells. Represents a plate design. A plate contains wells for which you can provide properties.

Plate & wells. Represents a plate design. A plate contains wells for which you can provide properties.

Processed plate

Processed plate & processed wells. Represents a plate that has images from the Reshape Imaging Device.

Processed plate & processed wells. Represents a plate that has images from the Reshape Imaging Device.


Analysis & data. A processed well can contain one or multiple analyses. The results of an experiment are served in the form of name & value combinations inside the data property in an analysis.

Analysis & data. A processed well can contain one or multiple analyses. The results of an experiment are served in the form of name & value combinations inside the data property in an analysis.

Organization & Groups


Typical use cases

Getting metadata into Reshape

In order to get metadata into Reshape, you need to create a Plate and its Wells with the relevant properties. After creation, the Plate can either be selected when starting a new job or can be linked to an already existing Processed plate.

In order to send and fetch Plates, you need to provide a Reshape Group ID.

Relevant endpoints

POST /plates Create a plate.

POST /plates/{plateId}/wells ****Create a well and its metadata.

GET /processed-plates ****Get Processed Plates.